Bandhan Bank hosted its eighth anniversary gala event on 23rd August at a seven star hotel in Kolkata. The Bank marks eight years of its incredible journey by opening a branch in Leh district, Union Territory of Ladakh. The Bank also opened another branch in Srinagar, J&K.
Mr. Keki Mistry, Director, HDFC Bank, graced the occasion as the chief guest and delivered the Anniversary Lecture. He spoke on “Perspectives on the Economy, Housing and Corporate Governance in India”.
Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Mistry said, “I am happy to be a part of Bandhan Bank’s Foundation Day and privileged to deliver the Anniversary Lecture. Having seen the journey of Bandhan Bank from close quarters, I know their steadfast commitment to purpose-driven banking, reaching the right audiences, and the intent to catalyse meaningful change in the lives of their customers. I wish the best for the future.”
On the occasion, the Bank also launched its sonic identity through a musical logo. Composed by a nationally acclaimed music composer, Amit Trivedi, the musical logo has been developed to resonate the values that Bandhan Bank carries in its core.
Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, Founder, MD and CEO, Bandhan Bank, said, “It has been a great ride in these eight years of Bandhan Bank. With the opening of our Leh branch, we have established our presence in another union territory and enhanced our presence. We will continue to expand our footprint to reach a wider population across the country. I want to thank all our stakeholders and well-wishers for their trust and support; for being a part of this incredible journey and for believing in us.”
With the launch of the new branches in Leh and Srinagar, Bandhan Bank is now present in 35 out of 36 states & UTs, serving more than 3 crore customers through a strong network of more than 6100 banking outlets across the country.